I was the original President for this organization as a mental health volunteer advocate prior to becoming a nurse from 2001-2009. Under my leadership, we developed a BOD and bylaws. I stepped completely off the board to return to school to become a psych nurse and begin to advocate on a different level while continuing to my role as an advocate and speaker for mental health. As a faculty advisor for NAMI-On-Campus, I recently attended our NAMI-AOP BOD meeting and was saddened to see the disenchantment from the original goals of this organization and began to feel the pull to consider coming back to the board and support however I was needed. About the same time, one of the current leaders called and asked if I would step back into the role of President to re-energize the Board and encourage collaboration and cooperation. I spoke with my family and a few close colleagues who know my passion and supported this decision. I am very passionate about mental health issues and challenges face by individuals living with mental illness and the providers that care for them. My goal is to re-ignite the fires of this same passion in others, so we can continue to be the strong voice for those unable to speak for themselves. Continue Reading